Kollayil (village)
Kollayil is a village in Thiruvananthapuram district in the state of Kerala, India.Kollayil Post Office PIN code is 691541, There are 3 schools in Kollayil area.
Schools in Kollayil
- Kollayil LPS - This is an Upper Primary School established in the year 1962. This school situates at Kollayil near the Thiruvananthapuram-Schencotta road. There are about 700 students and 22 teachers at this school.
- Jawahar LPS Kurakkodu - This is an Lower Primary School established in the year 1976.
- Sree Narayana Upper Primary School KOLLAYIL
As of 2001[update] India census, Kollayil had a population of 25148 with 12324 males and 12824 females.[1]
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Cities and Taluks |
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